Shingle Roofs


Focused On Shingle Roof — Dallas, TX — Hard Roofing

A Durable, Affordable, & Beautiful Roofing Material

The benefits of a quality shingle roof include cost efficiency, durability, and variety of color. Thryv Showcase are the experts in the installation of beautiful, durable shingle roofing. Our shingle roofing comes in a variety of colors and shapes.

Shingles are Affordable

Shingle roofs are an affordable option for most roofs because asphalt shingles are manufactured and captured in bulk. Because of this, shingles come cheaper than other roofing materials.

Shingles are Durable

Asphalt shingle roofs can last a very long time with proper maintenance. Most shingle roofs have a lifespan of between ten and thirty years! Shingle roofs are also easy to repair in the event of a leak.
Let Thryv Showcase show you why a beautiful, durable shingle roof is a great option for your home or business!
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